Where craziness reigns supreme...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Go Dudes!

OMG, I got a hit on the dude counter from South Africa! I have officially beat my friend Julie, the Samurai Knitter (in my DUDE list!), at getting a hit from every continent but Antarctica. We've had a little race going, and I was busy whining that she'd probably win when her Knitty article came out www.knitty.com in July. If you knit, go visit Julie. She writes amusing but interesting articles. But we WON! GO DUDES! :::fist pumping galore:::

In other news, I'm working hard at writing my romantica...not. Well, I brainstormed it (we all know how I feel about brainstorming--I'd rather have hot pokers stuck in my eyes) and I have a plan. I just have to get my weekly writing goal of 5,000 words written. EEEEK.

The main problem I'm having lately is brainstorming the story--and not because I'm plot-challenged, as usual. See, I have no problem WRITING the naughty words, but God help me if I actually have to say one to someone. You have to understand, I teach little kids how to ride horses and I have the queen of language (a.k.a. Little One) residing in my home. All I need is for her to pick up some naughty word and to scream it at the top of her lungs. It's bad enough that she hollered once, "GOD DAMMIT!" at the post office when K-man dumped over a display of boxes. Mind you, she was under two, but the embarrassment has lasted me a lifetime, thank-you-very-much.

Now, Pigtails has the opposite problem. She calls me and spews out random naughty words to boost her confidence so she can write them. For some reason, her naughty words are stuck in her mouth--mine in my fingers. In fact, we were discussing one thing, and I used every euphemism in the world to describe the female naughty bits...Meanwhile she's screaming at me, "Just say it, dammit! SAY IT!" And then a stream of naughty bit words came flying from her mouth like melted butter on a lobster. I tell yah, if she weren't my buddy I'd drop cow manure bombs on her house. I'm that jealous.


Blogger Julie said...

I should leave you a whole bunch of bad words, over that hit from S Africa.

But you'd LIKE that.

1:50 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love ya, T. Call me and I'll spill some more bad words. Oh, are you working on your writing goal? 5,000 words...by Sunday...

6:52 PM PDT  

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