Where craziness reigns supreme...

Friday, May 19, 2006


Weeeee! We hit 500 on the dude counter! Now, some of those are me trying to figure out how to post, or figure out how to fix the links, or check the spelling, but a good part of those are hits from my DUDES! I don't know if I should say thanks or hand out the straight jackets. Maybe a bit of both.

Slated for this weekend: The party at the go-kart/token place for K-man. Go-kart racing Sunday, and poodles. In case you haven't guessed, my boss caught up with me so I have diligently worked on my book all week like a good camper. I have realized that will never, ever own a poodle. My senile Corey dog is enough work, and all I do is order kids to feed him and let him out. Oh, and clean margerine off his head when it falls off the knife (he happened to be standing by me at the counter). I will say, he's very shiny now.

The only thought I had today (besides toy poodles being definitely more trouble than their worth, IMHO) was the whole fencing the border deal. They were talking about it a bit on TV this morning, and the idea boggles me. I'm wondering:

1) if Craftsman will see an opportunity for mega bucks and export more wire cutters to Mexico for cheap sale
2)Who will build the fence? I hope to hell it's not the people that fix CT highways. At that rate of speed, it would take another century to finish
3) will we have a Three little pigs theme in the fencing... One section of hedge (or Cacti)one section of wood and one section of brick.
4)Why not go all out and build a huge, kick-ass fence like the Great Wall in China so we can charge admission and stuff like that?
5) Will Home Makeover build a section and decorate it in a Tex/Mex theme?

That's enough pondering for one night. Poodles await.


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