Where craziness reigns supreme...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hotter Than Hades

It's hotter than hades here. Hot enough that when the kids tell me their doing tatoos, I tell them to have fun without checking to see if they're making REAL tatoos or the temporary kind. It's just too damned hot. It's sad when a trip to the store is gilded bliss because there's A/C there, and all you want to do is linger over the display of corn butterers because it could waste an extra 30 minutes. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, though. We'll see.

In other news, we went, we raced, we broke stuff and came home with fifth. It was one of those days like when you go to the circus and the clown car pulls up to evict 20 millon clowns. So that was that.

I've been knitting a hat. The first hat was too big...this hat is looking too small. If my friend Julie were about, she'd smack me and tell me to gauge my work. Which is SORT of did, but I can't count. When she finally battles her baby gates maybe she'll give me some advice. But until then, I'm knitting a hat. For someone. :::grin::::


Blogger Janice Lynn said...

LOL, I'm trying to picture you knitting a hat...I am sooooo not going to picture the images that come to mind. ;)

6:30 AM PDT  
Blogger TrishJ said...

LOL, Janice!!!

7:49 PM PDT  

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