At It Again...
Only a few weeks left over at Tawny's for a drawing of handsome margarita glasses that I painted! The date she's drawing says Aug. 31, but I'm having surgery that day and for some reason, I don't picture the surgeon running out to the post office with the package for me. I think we're doing it a few days sooner, so get your name in the hat! You'll have gorgeous glasses to celebrate the Labor Day holiday, and you'll get news about Tawny's books--cool deal all around.
She's still picking on me, that Julie! I did issue an apology on her blog comments for stating she went Mel Gibson on me.
Okay, so maybe you didn't go Mel Gibson on me. I apologize. However, I did picture you with blue hair dye and waving a size 13 Ebony needle screaming, "FREEDOM" as I wrote my blog.In case you don't know what she did to her Blue Shimmer Sweater, knitted on size zero needles...she committed yarnicide. It was Madame Theaker, in the living room, with a knife (sounds a little like CLUE, doesn't it?)
And indeed, after reading what you did to the blue shimmer, I am even more concerned for your state of mental health. If I lived closer, I'd give you an IV of margaritas, a fistfull of dollar bills and drag you off to a Chippendale show.
Today we are just hanging around. The neighbors must have come and dropped off their dishes in my sink because I have no recollection of using that many over the weekend. Unless the senile dog started cooking. Which would be very interesting...At least he'd know who's hair is in the food when he finds it. He's shedding again, getting ready for his winter coat already. Silly dog.
Wow! You painted those margarita glasses? Really cool.
There are days when I think I need an IV of margaritas. LOL.
I did, Colleen! I don't have a crafting website yet, but I'm working on it. I do handpaints on glass, wood--you name it. I love custom work as well. And the awesome thing about the paint I use is that it's dishwasher safe, top rack. So you can USE your glassware!!!!
I'd LOVE an IV margarita today...I'm ready to more to Fla to put my kids in school a few weeks early.
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