Flipping Fish and Banquets
My mom wanted to know why I knitted if it drove me so insane. I have to admit, usually I find it quite enjoyable. I'm not good at knitting new stuff, though. Like the socks. Some of the patterns aren't quite what I want, so I have to modify them enough to make them perfect for me. Unfortunately, I have huge feet.
We spent the weekend very busy with lots of different things. I had a craft show to drag my stuff to (thanks to another mom who watched it for half the day while I worked), then there was the racing banquet, and lots of other things going on. K ended up as Rookie of the Year for our club, a great honor. Both kids got huge trophies and (almost) everyone was happy. The Little One is very odd about people and crowds and stuff. We used to take her to Thanksgiving Dinner at my parent's in FL and I don't think they saw her for the first two years. She'd hide until dinner was done then come out and I'd feed her a bowl of something.
In other news, we're teaching the fish tricks. Well, I'm trying to, anyway. The biggest goldfish is silver with a huge red bulge on his head. He's very deformed looking and floats around like a bus amongst little taxi cabs. Because of his big head he's able to flip over easily, so he tends to get caught in the currents and do barrel rolls, end-o's (tail over head flips) and corkscrews.
DH didn't believe me that Nemo (the babysitter named him--we were calling him Big Brain) could do barrel rolls, so I stood next to the fish tank and coached Nemo through his paces. The damned fish did every roll BUT a barrelroll, then he'd get bored and go the other side of the tank. When I walk up the stairs, he comes rushing over thinking he'll get fed, so when he got bored I'd stomp stomp on the stair and he'd rush over and begin to flip. After about 15 minutes the damned thing finally did a barrel roll. Thank goodness.
Happy Thanksgiving a day early! We're going to try to catch "Alice's restaurant" on the radio at noon. I hope it's on in your neck of the woods!
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