Where craziness reigns supreme...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Cursed Pets

Yes, those pets are at it again. First, the senile dog has Lymes disease. The poor guy can't even lift a leg to pee. He has to point his 'parts' at the tree and sort of twist his torso to get the job done. He also can't jump into the back of the station wagon, which is indeed a horrid fate in his old eyes. So he's on medication now, and feeling better. Still not peeing on trees like the man-dog he is, but he was able to get into the car for a ride to pick up K-man at a friend's. Indeed, a great thing.

Second, the fish are sick. Yes, the damned things are more trouble than they are worth. But this time, it's not their fault. I bought two things two weeks ago: a larger filter (yay!) and a new pleco. I know why people end up with STDs now when dating. They look at that handsome guy and think, "there's no WAY something that fine could be carrying diseases." The pleco was a fine looking fish. Nice spots, a cute wiggle to his tail. But about a week later, the goldfish started living at the bottom of the tank and itching on stuff. One of them would go inside the sunken ship and wriggle all around until his tummy was all raw. Poor critter.

So I did a little research, and lo and behold, they have ick, an external parasite that ends up looking like white grains of salt all over fins and the body. So now I get to change their water, 25% every day and give them their medicine. They are looking better, and have stopped itching. Yay!

You're probably wondering why I didn't quarantine the fish before putting him in the tank...The other small tank is occupied by Mocha the cyclops goldfish. If I put him back in the big tank, the mean beasties would kill him, and the small tank is too small for the pleco too. Plus Spot looked so darned healthy (banging head...) No worries for the frog, though. I did move him to the small tank with Mocha (I didn't see any research that stated frogs get Ick-so far they're fine).

So those are the cursed pets. Thank goodness we don't have any more than that. Oh, the cows are fine. They're the only ones that are truly well (crossing fingers).


Blogger Amy Lane said...

hee hee... my daughter once left me in charge of her fish tank when she went to camp. she couldn't figure out why she had one extra fish when she got back... it's because I killed all but three of them, was sure one of those three wasn't long for this world, and went and bought 8 brand new fish for her tank. (picture a fat, frantic, middle-aged woman in a pet store going 'I need 8 fish that just look like these, except not dead and covered in ick!' high comedy indeed.)

9:17 PM PST  

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